Tuesday, October 9, 2012

September- Senior Year


That word just doesn't seem to register with me. I am the oldest walking the halls, the one who will graduate in June, and then go off to college. How did I get here? It feels like yesterday that I was in 6th grade, then middle school, and my first day of high school. I was always told that once I got older that the days would start going faster-that was silly not to believe. 

Everything has turned into my last of this or that. 
I had my last first day of school this month. It was the last first day that I get to spend at home with my mom taking my picture at the front door.

1. Band:I get to share this class with Andrew which has become a fantastic entertainment for me. We play pep band so I know the music pretty well. I just turn around and watch Andrew make faces while playing. It helps when you love music. Band Geek all the way. 
2. Spanish 2: This class will be my biggest struggle. Learning a new language has never been easy for me. I take double the time just to make sure I understood. I didn't really care at first. My goal was just to survive, but that has changed. I am tossing around the idea of minoring in Spanish which just means that I need to pay attention even more now. It has helped. I love the feeling of success as I understand it. 
3. Accounting: This is an online class. Interesting...I do love the way the class works. As long as I hand in my work before the semester is finished, I get an A. Although, that is tempting to just do other homework during that class. Not a smart idea. It has been a lesson learning how to balance that.
4. Personal Finance: This is my dose of reality. It is basically taught by Dave Ramsey. I learn all about growing up...! . There is some that I will apply to my life, but some I will not at all. 
5. Study Hall: My little slice of heaven at school. I do homework, and once that is finished.I blog, journal, or sleep. 
6. Brit Lit: Oh the joys of reading. I thought I would hate this class, but I have quite quickly fallen in love with it. I love reading the old writings from long ago. Lots of vocab memorization as well(: 
7: Reformed Doctrine: This is my FAVORITE class. We look at the CRC doctrines and beliefs of all denominations. There are many open discussions of all topics. I have learned to actually go out and find out what I believe and how to support it. I just find that whole area interesting. 

 I can't even call it work though. More like just hanging out. Once a week I nanny a family I love from the bottom of my heart. I have been babysitting them for the past seven years. They are family to me. Six children who all are unique: Christian, Levi, Addison, Mikayla, Tanner, and Emma. 

New Stuff:
I made the decision not to take any dance classes this year. Which is sad, but I am excited for whatever else takes place(: 
A lot of senior girls decided that we wanted to cheer at football games, so we started a team just for home games. The team consists of all grades. It has been a blast to be a part of! 

Favorite Moments:
I had the chance to go back to MARANATHA which makes me so happy!!! We got together with two other families for dinner. When you put 17 people together things are gonna get crazy. Us kids ran around Maranatha pretty much all night just playing lots of games as we tried to stay out of trouble. We only got in trouble three times!
 I was able to have a morning to myself on the beach. It was absolute bliss. Nothing makes me happier than Maranatha. It is my happy place for sure. 

My sister, Grace, turned 12 on the 25th! It is crazy to watch her grow up as fast as she is. I love her to pieces and it was so exciting to go to her very first track meet on that day. She ran super well. I am so excited to watch her grow as a runner, or what ever she decides her passion is. 

College thoughts:
It is crazy to think that I will be in college next year. Being able to have the decision to chose where I want to pursue my education is a lot harder than I ever imagined. I mean, it defines a lot. At first I was stressing. It was so ridiculous. I was spending all my time thinking and obsessing over it. <--- Not a smart idea. Everything is going to come together when God is ready. He has a perfect plan for me to fit into. I have narrowed down my list which is really exciting to look at the colleges and just think that I will be living at one of them next year!

This school year I wanted to be able to have a lot of free time just to hangout with friends. It is my last year and I wanted to make sure to make the most of the time that I have left with people that mean the world to me. I am really thankful that I have been able too. Friday's have become the nights to go bowling, play slender in the dark, eat ice cream from the container, watch movies all after football; of course.  But I am really thankful for all my friends that are in my life. I am rarely at home. Our plans are never made in advance, which is a thing that I have come to love. I love eating out with them for lunch and just being able to be myself.

New stuffs:
     I have this new crazy love for football. Especially for Calvin. I have this huge sense of school spirit when it comes to those games, maybe it is just the cheerleader in me. But I am hooked. I am learning all about it which excites me so much. I love being able to understand the game.
     I have this new thing this year. Since it is my "lasts" of everything. I am trying everything that comes my way that I normally would not do. I am doing the cheerleading-which is not new, but just different than usual cheer. I am going to play powder-puff with my school. Junior girls against seniors and I am pumped! I will see what this idea gets me into later...I am excited!

My first month of senior year is done. Cra-cra.
God is good. All the time. Through the trials and hard times. I am learning just to lean on him more and more. I literally could not make it a day without him. He has never failed me yet. Yes, I question him all the time. He just continues to prove himself again and again.

"Call to me and I will answer you and show you the great and might things which you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3

With love,
Hannah Louise

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